About Staff

Alex Jones
I serve full time at UC, having joined the team in 2018. It was during my uni years that God showed me that all of life is about Jesus. Through the teaching and training of AFES staff I grew in love and knowledge and love of Jesus then, and it’s a wild privilege to help students do the same now.
Phoebe Edwards
I am a ministry trainee at ANU for 2024/25. ANU FOCUS has been a part of my Christian journey for my whole life, I am so blessed to have benefitted from its ministry as a student, and to be benefiting from the ministry there now as an apprentice. I’m deeply convicted that the world needs to meet Jesus, and that university students are a field ripe for harvest, and for training. I’m excited to continue growing in my understanding and relationship with our Lord, to build a firm foundation for future ministries that I will be involved in, in whatever shape they come, that I might faithfully and confidently proclaim the word wherever God puts me. I go to church at North Canberra Baptist Church, up the road from the ANU with my family, and in my free time I enjoy languages, music, and embroidery.
Kevin (Staff team leader ANU) & Mathea Yeung
Kevin is currently the ANU FOCUS Staff Team Leader and serves with his wife Mathea who is on the ANU staff team 2 days a week. “University ministry was pivotal in both of our lives. It changed the trajectory of our lives as we grew to love God through his Word as we invested in university ministry. We also met at Uni 🙂 We long for students to have the same training and evangelistic opportunities. Please pray that God will grow us in humble dependence and prayerfulness in him as we serve alongside students in this important task on campus!
Stephen and Lauren Driscoll
Steve is a full-time staff worker with the team at ANU. He focuses on teaching, training and theology, for undergraduates and apprentices, running our Monday night theology and training, amongst other things. He also keeps an eye out for postgrads and academics on campus. He is married to Lauren, and they have a 4-year-old boy Luke and a 1-year-old girl Katie. Steve loves studying the bible with students and better understanding God’s word. Lauren volunteers with FOCUS and enjoys meeting with students and apprentices, sometimes with, and sometimes without a cute baby in attendance.
Jo Ball
Hi, my name is Jo. I serve at the Australian Catholic University in Canberra. The one thing that propels me in life is seeing and worshipping Jesus face to face on that great day alongside myriads of brothers and sisters. I long for that Day. Until then, it is my prayer that God will continue to bring many more to join in that grand worship. That’s why I’m serving Jesus among uni students. Previously (in reverse chronological order), I served at Sydney Uni, a couple of local churches, overseas as a missionary, and in schools.
FOCUS Military

Our vision is that every person joining the Australian Defence Force has the opportunity to know the Lord Jesus.

The FOCUS staff also partner with the staff of FOCUS Military ministries at ADFA. Find out more about this ministry at focusmilitary.org.au

Walter Selvakumar (Apprentice)
“As someone who has been richly blessed by God through the ministry of FOCUS over the last five years, I’m very thankful for the grace that God has given me, who is less than the least of his saints, to proclaim at UC the unsearchable riches of Christ as a ministry apprentice on this campus I’ve grown to love.

I’m looking forward to seeing Christian students be rooted and built up in Christ and seeing them preach Christ out of love. I’m also praying to see many who are still dead in their sins be made alive and saved by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ – especially international students, and to see them numbered among the multitudes upon multitudes that no one could number from every nation, tribe, and tongue that are gathered around the throne of the Lamb.”

Cameron and Winnie Mason
Hi, my name is Cameron and I’m married to Winnie. We have two kids, Daniel (3) and Phoebe (1). I grew up in Camden and love Christ, Cricket (or any sport really!) and coffee. I became a Christian at a Mid Year Conference in 2008 where I was convinced that Jesus really rose from the dead, was Lord of all, and therefore my whole life had to be lived for him.
I currently serve as the Staff Team Leader at UC. It’s a joy to partner with students at UC as together we proclaim Christ to both local and international students. Would you please join me in praying for God to raise up the next generation of gospel workers for Canberra and beyond. Thanks for your prayers!

Our mission is proclaiming Jesus Christ at university to present everyone mature in Him.

The FOCUS staff are employed by the Australian Fellowship of University Students. Find out more about our employers and about student ministry across Australia at afes.org.au