Come join us at O-week!

Focus BBQ - Fellows Oval - 12th Feb @ 4:30pm
Join us for dinner, meet Christians on campus and chat about Jesus!
Meet Focus - Fellows Oval - 14th Feb @ 12pm
Join us for lunch, dig deeper with other Christians on campus and find out more about what happens at FOCUS during semester.

FOCUS International - Fellows Oval - 13th Feb @ 6pm
Join us for dinner, meet friends from overseas and Australia and find out about who Jesus is.
What's On During The Semester?
Come Hear a Weekly Bible Talk
Every Thursday 12-1pm, FOCUS gathers for a weekly bible talk to hear the Bible taught.
Whether you've been reading the Bible for years or are just curious to know more, everyone is welcome. Meet at the Kambri Amphitheatre.
We will be kicking off in the gospel of John.
Study the Bible in Small Groups
Small Groups are where small groups of people meet up and read the Bible together. They run every day at various times in faculty groups.
Click here to fill in your timetable and we'll get you into a group that suits your schedule.

Are you an International Student?
FOCUS International meets on Thursday nights during semester to share dinner and hear a Bible talk together.
You don't have to be a Christian or even know anything about Jesus to come along.
We meet for dinner at the Gould Building from 6-8pm (it's free!)
For more information please message our facebook page, or join our group chat Please come! Everyone is welcome!

Postgrad Students
Are you a postgrad student or staff looking to get hooked into a christian community on campus?
The Simeon Network connects Christians in the postgraduate and academic community, to support one another and share the good news about Jesus at university.
We are AFES affiliated, and part of a national Simeon Network community.
Find out more information here -