
FOCUS holds regular meetings, small group Bible studies, mission weeks and other events at the Australian National University (ANU). At the ANU, FOCUS aims to reach out to students and staff on campus with the wonderful news of Jesus’ love through these different activities.

Where we meet

We’ve recently moved again to the Psych G8 theatre. (it’s right near the physics lecture theatre if you know that area!)

When we meet

We meet on Thursday’s at 1pm.
Please come join us!

Bible Study Info

Small group Bible studies are a great way to learn from God’s word and to make new friends. Several Bible studies are held on campus at ANU and are divided into faculty groups. Try to join your Faculty, as there’ll be events specific to your degree, but if you’re struggling to find a time, you’re absolutely free to join any group you can make it too.
For more details please contact the faculty leaders.
Faculty Leaders’ Contact: Stephanie Nicholls (0403 411 013), Ralph Asuncion (0435 417 856)
First Year: Tuesday 4pm
Seniors: Tuesday 5pm, Wednesday 10am, Friday 11am

Faculty Leaders’ Contact: Andy Rowlands (0459 588 026), Esther Lee (0426 678 461)
First Year: Thursday 9am
Seniors: Tuesday 11am, Wednesday 4pm, Thursday 9am

Law/Music/Visual Arts and Design
Faculty Leaders’ Contact: Asher England (0410 000 318) Laura Jennings (0468 483 236)
First Year: Monday 4pm
Seniors: Wednesday 12pm,
Combined Music: Wednesday 4pm

Join a Small Group
Other Info

2017 talks can be found here!

2018 talks can be found here!

Connecting with FOCUS

Megan Errington (Senior Staff) – megan.louise.errington@gmail.com
Owen Chadwick (Senior Staff and International Students) – owen@focus.asn.au
Nick Tugwell (Student president) –nftugwell@gmail.com
Daniel Carson (Vice President and International Students)– daniel.banlung@gmail.com
Daniel Jacob (Treasurer and Bible Studies) – treasurer.anu@focus.asn.au
Rachael Watson (Secretary and Bible Studies) – rachael.b.e.watson@gmail.com
Ruth Hayes (Communications) –ruthh82@hotmail.com